We've always loved French Toast and have long thought it to be
a creation of the French called "pain perdu" . . . smartly
made from slightly stale bread as absolutely no food goes to
waste in France. That was wrong, a food myth running wild.
Instead, we've learned that bread soaked in milk and then
fried has been around since the Roman Empire collected in the
culinary Apicius in the 5th century A.D. . . . and
legend has it that it was created by Apicius, a gourmet and a
"lover of luxury" who lived in the era of Tiberius in the 1st
century A.D. It reemerged when it became "all the rage" in the
15th century English court of Henry V and even more
popular when it was reintroduced in 1724 by Joseph French, an
Albany, NY Innkeeper who forgot the apostrophe and called it
French Bread.
Our own
newest version (having indulged for years with our own version
of Grand Marnier soaked croissant "French Toast" uses an
entire loaf of our favorite local raisin bread (baked by an
elegant wise Viennese baker) and is so delicious that every
time we serve it we're besieged by requests for the recipe
from the Breakfast crowd at Wickwood. So we'll keep it secret
no longer . . . that's what cooking is all about. We serve it
lavishly sprinkled with berries and drizzled with warmed
Spiced Blueberry Syrup, Local Maple Syrup, or sometimes, our
favorite, Bourbon Maple Syrup. Make it your own, go for it . .
. the variations are endless. Serves 6-8
1 loaf of 8-10" round Challah, Brioche, or favorite raisin
* 5 eggs
* 1¼ cups whole or 2% Milk (or equal amounts of heavy cream
and milk)
* ½ cup sugar
* 1 tablespoon cinnamon
* 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
* 4 tablespoons butter, melted
* 1 tablespoon raw sugar
* Confectioner’s sugar, for serving
* Maple syrup, for serving
1) THE NIGHT BEFORE: Be prepared to slice the loaf of bread
and leave out on counter in un-buttered 9x13 pan. This will
crisp the slices.
2) Cut the loaf of bread into ½ inch thick slices, but don't
cut all the way to the bottom (this way, the slices stay
attached to each other.) Leave, uncovered, overnight in a cool
dry place.
3) The next day, preheat the oven to 350F. Using a large bowl,
whisk the eggs with the milk to combine. Whisk the sugar and
cinnamon together, then add to the eggs. Stir in the vanilla
4) Butter the bottom of the casserole liberally.
Place the bread in the casserole, cutting the loaf in half and
placing the halves side by side if necessary. Baste the bread
with the custard, (using a baster, if possible) taking care to
drizzle in between the slices to fully coat the bread. Repeat
twice more until you have little custard left in the bottom of
the casserole.
5) Brush the butter over the top of the bread, and sprinkle it
with the raw sugar. Transfer the casserole to the oven and
bake until the top is golden and crisp, approximately 50- 55
6) Let the French toast cool slightly, place on a serving
platter, then finish with a sprinkle of confectioners' sugar,
fresh blueberries, and raspberries. Serve with the warmed
syrup of your choice. ENJOY IMMENSELY! |