A L L  T H E  L O C A L  N E W S,  G O S S I P,  R E C I P E S  &  L O R E  T H A T' S  F I T  T O   P R I N T 

H O L I D A Y   2 0 1 0

We'll Hear Those Sleigh Bells Jingling ...

                                                   The New Yorker, 12/19/42, 15cents

The spirit of the season is coming to our little villages. Join us!

Our villages are transformed into a quintessential old fashioned Christmas card from mid-November through New Year’s. Twinkling lights, horse drawn buggy rides, shops aglow, Dickens, ballet, jazz, A Santa Parade, Wickwood’s Festival of Trees and music everywhere. The spirit is contagious --- come and catch some!        Wickwood ...          Recipes ...

Celebrate an Old Fashioned Holiday





Saugatuck’s Unique Shops Make Holiday Gift Giving Special!

Holiday Preview Open Houses - November 19-20th with trolley service between Saugatuck and Douglas shops. Shops open late for December Sensational Saturdays, 12/4,12/11 and 12/18.

All around our villages the wineries, art galleries, and shops host receptions to make the Holidays more festive and shopping easier. It kick’s off the weekend of November 19-20th with extended shopping hours, music, refreshments, holiday specials, good cheer , warm treats and special wrapping services. All in an effort to give you the Holiday Spirit and help make your gift giving a joy!

Our very unique stores, all individually owned, are stocked to the brim with bubbles, baubles, bangles and beads. Stockings to stuff, tiny sleighs overflow, and whimsy galore.
There are lamps, chairs, dressers, drapes, stools, tables, couches and picture frames, candles, candy, coffee, fudge, toffee, and chocolates.
Bronzes, oils, pastels, drawings, photography, papier mache, mobiles, hand blown glass vases, ceramics, carved trees and raku.
We have ornaments, and decorations, flowers real and faux. We have antiques galore as well as cutting edge design. Fantasy as well as function. Fun, shock and awe. Our streets are the most charming place to refine your art of shopping while you wander in and out of shops carefully selecting everything someone’s heart desires.






November 5-December 27 Whirligigs, Mechanical toys, and popup books
at SCA
November 6 Red Tail Lights sing
at The Saugatuck Brewery
November 6 Holiday Gift show, Meijer Gardens
November 6 Lisa Butler at What Not In
November 6-30 Molten Glass Show
at Water Street Gallery
November 7 Claudia Schmidt and Rachael Davis
sing at Salt of the Earth
November 7 Christy G at What Not Inn
November 7 Claudia Schmidt & Rachel Davis at Salt of the Earth
November 13 Rock Opera-The Shaming of the True
November 18 David Copperfield
at Saugatuck Library
November 18 Movie-Valentino, The Last Emperor
at SCA
 More Events ...



"As we struggle through the season with lists and invitations, it is good to be
reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation."
                                                                                            --- Donald Westlake

Good Goods Turns 20

We always begin our Holiday shopping at Good Goods, a Saugatuck landmark. Good Goods is stocked year round with the best fine art, artisan jewelry, ceramics, furniture, glass and clothing. Around every corner of this two story shop is a treasure. We suggest you begin and end the gift giving season at Good Goods. November 19-20th - Holiday Open House with surprises and refreshments. December 31 - "However The Spirit Moves Us" sale, noon - 5 with Champagne to entice you to offer an intriguing price. goodgoods.com

Saugatuck Center for the Arts

Nov 5-Dec 27 - Whirligigs, Mechanical toys, and popup books

Nov 13 - Cocktails with Larry Miller

Dec 3 - Lakeshore Community Chorus

“And The Pursuit of Happiness”

The New York artist, Maira Kalman finds inspiration everywhere. In her new book, she takes us on a journey unfolding over two centuries of American democracy, casting her creative eye to events and people we thought we knew. Now we see them anew. Simultaneously released are her illustrations in ”13 Words” by Lemony Snicket (aka Daniel Handler). Both a joy.

Holiday Cheeses!

Every Holiday buffet needs a cheese board and today they’re more eclectic than ever. Some you may even make yourself, some might be made by an artisan cheesemaker around the corner. But be sure you remember seasonal favorites like a full wheel of English Stilton, the creamy Swiss Vacherin Mont d’Or, The French Pierre Robert and of course a grand wedge of Parmigiano Reggiano. For several years now, our favorite cheese year round has been one made in LA. By Gioia Cheese. With his origins in Puglia, Vito Girardi creates a minature Burrata that stops people in their tracks. Burrata is a small ball of fresh mozzarella that when you bite into it, explodes with a creamy, oozey buttery flavor. Freshness is of the essence, but it’s worth the effort to plan to acquire it. Call Vivien at Cowgirl Creamery on Wednesday to receive it the following week. 866.433.7834

Lose Yourself!

The Paris Review has given us all an early Holiday gift! Now posted on their website are all of the famous interviews they’ve done over the past 60 years. You can "hear the voices" of Jack Kerouac, E.M. Forster, Ernest Hemingway, John Luis Borges, Hunter S. Thompson, Evelyn Waugh, Ian McEwan, on and on. It is a treasure trove of iconic figures --- all within the Archives of The Review. www.parisreview.org

Saugatuck/Douglas Holidays 2010

l November 19-20 Holiday Preview Trolley service between our two villages. Stocked to the brim shops are open late serving refreshments. Carriage rides
l November 26 Tree Lighting ceremony
l December 4 Sensational Saturdays of shopping begin. Santa Parade to welcome his arrival. Carolers and Carriage Rides.
l December 4,stores open late serving refreshments for shoppers
l December 4 Winter Green Market at the SCA along with a visit from Santa and the Holland Chorale’s Dickens Quartet spreads holiday cheer.
l December 10-12 The Red Barn Players Radio Show Hit Parade and Christmas Show
l December 11 Shops host Open Houses, open late. Carriage Rides
l December 18 Shops and galleries host Open Houses, stay open late. Carriage Rides
l December 31 Fireworks at Midnight over Lake Kalamazoo


Candy CaneCandy CaneCandy CaneCandy CaneCandy Cane
Holidays 2010 at
Wickwood Inn

~ ~ ~

November 12
Festival of Trees Begins

A tree graces every room and tasty surprises are around every corner.
~ ~ ~
November 19 - 20
Saugatuck/Douglas Holiday Preview
Trolley service between our two villages. Shops open late serving refreshments. Carriage rides
~ ~ ~
November 24 - 28
Thanksgiving Weekend

~ ~ ~
November 26
Sparkle 2009
Lighting Ceremony

Santa Arrives
Carolers & Refreshments

~ ~ ~
December 4
Christmas Parade

Horse Drawn Carriage Rides
Dickens' Christmas Carol

~ ~ ~
Dec 26 - Jan 2, 2011
Christmas Week

Unwind, walk our trails,
enjoy the fires ---

~ ~ ~
December 31
New Year's Eve

Champagne and Spectacular Candlelight Evening Hors d’oeuvres
Fireworks at Midnight

~ ~ ~
January 1, 2011
Happy New Years!!

"Little Bunch of Madmen"

Everyone interested in the state of modern journalism today should read legendary foreign correspondent (and pal) Mort Rosenblum’s newest book. Mort is wise because he has over 40 years of experience reporting from every corner of the globe during every major event; he is lucky because he lives on a boat in the Seine and grows olives in Provence when he’s not teaching or roaming the world; and he’s a brilliant writer, well proven in “Olives” and “Chocolate” beyond his reportage. Don’t miss this insider’s look at global reporting today.

You Don’t Look Like Anyone I Know!

As the New York Times said “This does not read like any memoir you’ve ever known”. But our dear Pilates pal and Hope Professor Heather Seller’s new book is utterly fascinating. Heather cannot recognize faces, not her family’s, not even her own. She has a rare condition called “prosopagnosia” or "face blindness" and until four years ago, she didn’t even know it was unusual. Now she routinely tells everyone, ”Just tell me who you are.” Interesting in and of itself, but truly riveting is her story of her life and possibly why she suffers from this condition. It will make you think long and hard.

Mark Twain Volume I

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” ---- Mark Twain

We’ve waited 100 years to celebrate the autobiography of this iconic author and it will arrive in bookstores everywhere on November 15th. The Morgan Library is celebrating Twain in an exhibit “A Skeptics Progress" from now through January 2, 2011. It’s a collaboration between The Morgan and the New York Public Library which hold two of the world’s great collections of Twain manuscripts, rare books, letters and memorabilia.

The exhibit contains the original manuscript pages from “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and “Life on the Mississippi.” If you’re in NYC or a huge Twain fan, don’t miss it. www.themorgan.org

Turkey Trot!

When Lincoln declared the first Thanksgiving Day, he never would have guessed that the taste of turkey would gradually diminish so much. If you want to enjoy the true taste of the bird, there are many choices; Heritage Turkey, Organic Turkey, Free Range and wild Turkey. Most are sold fresh, are improved with brining before roasting and must be ordered in advance. Check your local Farmer’s Market for sources, or heritagefoddsusa.com  dartaganan.com

American’s Doctor Oz

Earlier this week, Dr. Oz echoed what many of us have felt for sometime. “I wouldn’t feed my family anything that isn’t organic. I don’t know the effect that food altered with hormones has on people when eaten over a lifetime. Until we know more, I don’t want my family to be part of the experiment." The same can be said for food that contains genetically modified organisms (GMO). Currently, there are no laws that require labeling when food contains GMOs. And, of course the food industry is not anxious for any labeling laws. If you’re interested in avoiding GMOs, visit:

Fish Tales

New regulations have put six of the ten most popular fish off limits for chefs and home cooks alike. Over-fishing is the culprit. Discover the newest fish on the table, a superb example of not judging a fish by his mug:

l Redfish
l Sheepshead
l Cuttlefish
l King mackerel
l Tilefish
l Black Drum
l Hogfish
l Triple Tail
l Florida
l Pompano
l Skate


Winter Weekend Cooking Classes with Julee
Feb. 4 & 5 thru
Apr. 1 & 2, 2011

(optional for guests only)

Red Books

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."  --- Anonymous

"I Remember Nothing", by Nora Ephron. Her story always wry, insightful, with her sense of humor.
"The End of The Alphabet", by C. S. Richardson. Simply charming.
"Sarabeth's Bakery", by Sarabeth Levine. From a marmalade recipe, a business grew in NYC.
"When Everything Changed", by Gail Collins. Her take on women 1960 to today.
"The Noel Coward Reader", by Barry Day. The quintessential wit and his life.
"Ferran", by Coleman Andrews. Insight into a serious and brilliant food mind
"Thoughtful Gardening", by Robin Lane Fox. Selected essays from forty ears of writing for The Financial Times.

Wickwood Inn
Gift Certificate


We think that the greatest luxury we have today is Time. And so we marvel at the number of people who are giving the time to relax at Wickwood as gift certificates to their family and friends for all kinds of occasions. We think what they’re really giving is loving memories. That pleases us enormously.

Later on we'll conspire, as we dream by the fire. Pease join us!
Julee and Bill

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Silver Palate Cookbook  Silver Palate Good Times Cookbook  The New Basics  Silver Palate 25th Anniversary

Julee and Bill

The Wickwood Inn
510 Butler Street, PO Box 1019 • Saugatuck, Michigan 49453-1019
Telephone: (269) 857-1465 or 1-800 385-1174 • Fax: (269) 857-1552

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